Method 622
The Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater
This method covers the determination of certain organophosphorus pesticides.
This is a gas chromatographic (GC) method applicable to the determination of the compounds listed above in industrial and municipal discharges as provided under 40 CFR 136.1.
A measured volume of sample, approximately 1 L, is extracted with 15% methylene chloride using a separatory funnel. The methylene chloride extract is dried and exchanged to hexane during concentration to a volume of 10 mL or less. Gas chromatographic conditions are described which permit the separation and measurement of the compounds in the extract by gas chromatography with a thermionic bead or flame photometric detector in the phosphorus mode.
–Method 622: The Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, EPA 1992
Method Data
Method 622 |
Hold Time |
Preservation |
Sample Volume |
Method Reference |
Analyte List
Analyte |
Azinphos-methyl |
Bolstar |
Chloropyrifos |
Coumaphos |
Demeton-S |
Diazinon |
Dichlorovos |
Dimethoate |
Disulfoton |
Ethion |
Ethoprop |
Fensulfothion |
Fenthion |
Malathion |
Methyl parathion |
Mevinphos |
Naled |
Parathion |
Phorate |
Prowl |
Ronnel |
Stirofos |
Sulfotepp |
Tokuthion |
Trichloronate |
*Please contact our project management team for more information about reporting limits and other specific project needs.
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